We provide you with reports for all your demand sources in the most detailed and accurate real time.
Provide all of modern proven best monetization ad formats.
Connect to all the demand sources you have whether it is Prebid Client, Prebid Server, ORTB, VAST...
Manage and set up inventory, demands, ad tags, floor, ad templates, modules... in the most easiest and intuitive way.
Get all the necessary metrics to make the appropriate adjustments: Active view, RPM, Bid rate, Win rate, Response time, Timeout...
A transparent advertising platform that gives control and optimization to publishers. No hidden magic. Technology you can trust!
We did lots of code's customization as well as delivery ads via high-speed CDN to minimize the latency and increase user experience.
PubPower helps publishers recover revenue that's lost by ad blockers.
PubPower is pre-integrated with the 20+ largest SSPs. Connecting to them takes a few clicks and revenue generation is immediate.
PubPower provides comprehensive solutions designed to meet the needs of every type of enterprise. Whether you're an individual publisher managing a single website, a media company overseeing hundreds of websites, an ad network working directly with thousands of publishers, or an established firm collaborating with DSPs and SSPs in search of an all-in-one solution to manage your ad stack, we have the right solution for you.
Focus on growing your content, reaching your audience, and your clients - let us handle the complexities of scaling, managing, and optimizing your ad stack.
Designed for individual website and app owners, this package delivers expert, full-service ad optimization with revenue sharing tailored for small-scale publishers.
Get Started For Free →Tailored for established publishers, this package offers advanced self-service tools and enhanced features to optimize ad performance.
Get Started For Free →Fully customizable for ad networks with multiple publishers who are looking for a ready-to-use and scalable system without investing in technology.
Book a demo →For large media companies and media buyers who are looking for a comprehensive monetizing and managing system to manage their campaigns and performance.
Book a demo →It's the time to set up your own Header Bidding ad stack yourself.
Get started for free →Easy setup
Increase eCPM
Improve Fill Rate
Get In-depth Analytic