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What is Prebid.js? Maximizing Revenue Through Header Bidding


One of the most popular and powerful tools to achieve this is Prebid.js. If you’re a publisher looking to take full control of your ad inventory and optimize revenue streams, understanding Prebid.js is essential.

This blog will explain what Prebid.js is, how it works, and why it’s important for publishers to incorporate it into their advertising strategy.

What is Prebid.js?

Prebid.js is an open-source header bidding wrapper designed to simplify the process of integrating multiple demand partners into your website’s header. In simple terms, it allows publishers to run header bidding, a programmatic technique that invites multiple ad exchanges to bid on their inventory in real time, driving up competition and increasing CPMs (Cost Per Thousand Impressions).

Prebid.js acts as a framework that helps manage bids from different demand sources, including SSPs (Supply-Side Platforms) and DSPs (Demand-Side Platforms), ensuring that the highest paying bid wins the ad slot in the fastest possible time.

How Does Prebid.js Work?

To understand how Prebid.js works, it’s important to first grasp the concept of header bidding. Traditionally, websites used the “waterfall” method of ad serving, where ad requests would be passed down a chain of demand sources one at a time. This was inefficient, as the first demand source that met the publisher’s price floor would win the bid, often leaving higher bids unseen.

how prebid work
Prebid documentation

With header bidding, all demand sources can bid simultaneously, ensuring that the highest bidder wins. Prebid.js makes this possible by integrating into the header of a publisher’s site, where it runs the following process:

  1. Page Load: When a user visits a page, the Prebid.js script is triggered, and ad requests are sent out to multiple demand partners at once.
  2. Real-Time Bidding: Demand partners submit their bids in real-time for the available ad slots. Each demand source provides its bid based on factors like the user’s data, the ad slot’s value, and the audience targeting criteria.
  3. Highest Bid Wins: Prebid.js collects all the bids and sends the highest one to the publisher’s ad server (e.g., Google Ad Manager), where the ad is served.
  4. Ad Display: The winning ad is displayed to the user, and the publisher earns revenue from the highest bidder.

By facilitating simultaneous bids from multiple demand partners, Prebid.js maximizes competition, ensuring that publishers receive the highest possible bids for their inventory.

Why Should Publishers Use Prebid.js?

1. Increased Revenue

The most significant benefit of using Prebid.js is increased revenue. Header bidding allows for multiple demand sources to compete for your inventory, meaning you’re more likely to get the highest bid. This results in higher CPMs and ultimately more revenue. Publishers who have switched from traditional waterfall setups to header bidding have often reported revenue boosts ranging from 20% to 50%.

2. Greater Transparency and Control

Prebid.js is open-source, which means it’s fully transparent. Publishers can see exactly how it’s working and customize it to suit their needs. Since it’s not tied to any single ad exchange or demand partner, publishers have the flexibility to work with multiple partners without being locked into one ecosystem.

3. Access to a Wider Range of Demand

By integrating Prebid.js, publishers can access a vast network of demand partners, including major SSPs and DSPs. This diversification allows for better fill rates and a wider array of ads to show on your site. Having access to more bidders increases competition, which drives up the value of your ad inventory.

4. Reduced Latency

Prebid.js is designed to minimize the impact on page load times. Since it allows bids to happen in parallel with the loading of the webpage, publishers can control how long the auction lasts. This is crucial because shorter auction times mean less latency and better user experience.

5. Integration with Google Ad Manager

For publishers who use Google Ad Manager, Prebid.js integrates seamlessly with the ad server, meaning it can coexist with other demand sources like Google Ad Exchange. This allows publishers to tap into multiple revenue streams without sacrificing any existing partnerships.

Setting Up Prebid.js

Setting up Prebid.js requires adding the script to your website’s header and configuring it to work with your demand partners. Here’s a general overview of the process:

  1. Include the Prebid.js Code: The first step is to include the Prebid.js library in the header of your website. You can customize the library to include only the features and bidders you need.
  2. Configure Bidder Settings: You’ll need to configure Prebid.js with the list of bidders you want to include in your header bidding setup. This involves specifying the ad units you want to bid on and setting up the parameters for each bidder.
  3. Set a Timeout: Set a timeout for the auction, typically between 300ms and 1,000ms. This ensures that the bidding process doesn’t delay the page load significantly.
  4. Test and Monitor: After setting everything up, test the integration thoroughly. Use tools like Google Publisher Console or Prebid.js’s built-in tools to monitor bids and ensure that everything is working as expected.
  5. Monitor Performance: Over time, use real-time analytics to monitor the performance of your header bidding setup. This includes analyzing CPMs, page load times, and fill rates.

For publishers with limited technical resources, there are managed services that can help implement Prebid.js and offer ongoing support.

Best Practices for Using Prebid.js

To get the most out of Prebid.js, here are a few best practices:

  • Set an Appropriate Timeout: Be mindful of your auction timeout. A short timeout can result in missed bids, while a long one can increase latency. Aim for a balance between speed and accuracy.
  • Monitor Bidder Performance: Regularly review which demand partners are delivering the best results. You can remove underperforming partners to streamline the bidding process.
  • Test Different Configurations: Experiment with different ad unit sizes, placements, and demand partners to find the best-performing setup for your site.
  • Optimize Page Speed: While Prebid.js is designed to reduce latency, adding too many demand partners or improperly configuring the script can impact page load time. Always monitor page speed and adjust as necessary.

Maximize Your Revenue with PubPower Header Bidding

Take control of your ad inventory and boost your earnings with PubPower’s advanced header bidding solution. Gain access to multiple premium demand partners, increase competition, and secure the highest bids for your ad spaces—all with seamless integration and real-time optimization.

Ready to unlock your site’s full revenue potential?
Get started with PubPower Header Bidding today!


Prebid.js is a powerful tool that gives publishers more control over their ad inventory and maximizes revenue potential through header bidding. By leveraging the open-source platform, publishers can tap into a wide array of demand sources, increase competition for ad space, and improve overall ad performance.

If you’re a publisher looking to optimize your ad strategy and unlock more revenue, Prebid.js should be a key part of your monetization toolkit. With proper implementation and continuous monitoring, Prebid.js can transform the way you monetize your content, giving you the transparency, flexibility, and revenue growth you need in the competitive world of digital advertising.



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